Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where have I been?

Well school can be a really pain in the butt. I almost forggot that I have a blog. In fact I forgot which blog I was using. ( I have a wordpress and a livejournal) And I go back and forth between them. I used to though. So I am posting this pretty late but hey I am a night person anyhow.

Okay so here’s the deal. Today I was looking in my email that I have had for years now and I looked in the sent folder and I found emails from like 2007. ( I thought they automatically deleted themselves after a period of time). Anyways I was reading some emails and me and the responder were having an arguement. So when I was reading them I found that the way I spoke and what not has changed significantly and I found that the arguement was petty. Looking back and comparing myself to the way I was then to now, I find that I would never have had that arguement in the first place.

So if you would be so kind and to answer the poll on the side I would appreciate it greatly. Also leave a comment to further express your feelings! :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yay! Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu it out.

yeppie Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu is out. Its was good too. It was continuing from the last chapter of course. And Kyouta and Hibino had a great Christmas date at nd all. But the real thing was that Hibino's mom was all upset and stuff. ( I don't get why ) Also....the really stupid and funny thing was that at the end Hibino's mom actually believed that lie. I mean come on who on earth is >that< gullable. I'm not. Anywho... I can't wait for the next one to come out.



P.S. Click here to download!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oops!! I found out what happened!

As it turns out Ai Yazawa ( NANA author) has sudden malaise.( I looked that up but still didn’t get it) Anyways…. apparently this obviously deems her unable to put out any releases. But I mean come on… there won’t be any releases this month, August, or September! What the freak?!


While I am upset about there won’t be any releases….. I completely understand that she is ill and therefore should not be working.


I wish her the very best.



Source : Click Here for more from Shoujo Love!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Happened to NANA?!!

Has anyone else noticed the NANA chapter 85 has yet to be released I mean come on. Am I missing something? Because if I am let me know. I’m confused. You know maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t know the release schedule of the manga. I just started reading it recently. Is it bimonthly or is it monthly? I need some answers. I even sent a message to the scanalator of NANA and do you know what answer I got…….nada….zip…zero…ziltch.


So if anyone know when NANA is being released…leave a comment..PLEASE!!!!



Friday, June 26, 2009

Getting Started!!

Thanks for visiting my new blog..... I'm new to this so just bare with me.....If you DON'T like jpop music, anime, or manga go away... you are in the wrong place. Speaking of which, I will be posting several updates on popular manga and other things too. You might come to my blog and see some random posts. In fact, I can promise you that there will be tons of random post because after all this is a blog. Well....see you next time!

Talk to you later...
